Getting Started

Step 1: Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

TextSpeedy is a Java application, so you need to install the Java 11 or above.

Here are the steps to install JRE at the link below:

  1. Go to the link:
  2. Select the operating system and architecture of your computer.
  3. Click on the “Download” button.
  4. Once the download is complete, run the installer.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation

Once the JRE is installed, you will be able to run TextSpeedy on your computer.

Step 2: Download, unzip, and run TextSpeedy

Upon receiving an email from HogoNext, the creators of TextSpeedy, proceed to download the TextSpeedy zip file and extract its contents.

Once the extraction process is complete, simply double-click on the TextSpeedy.exe file to initiate the application and begin using its features.

For the first time, this tool will scan the application files on your computer to build an index for the quick run application function. It takes only a few seconds. Afterward, a tray icon will appear in the toolbar, allowing you to utilize TextSpeedy.

  • Right-click on the tray icon to open the context menu
  • Double-click on the tray icon to open the main window

Step 3: Create a Shortcut

Access Plugin > Shortcut menu

On the left-hand side of the main window, you will find a list of your snippets. To help you get started we have provided a few sample snippets.

  • Clear button to clear the data of a shortcut.
  • Add button to add a new shortcut. If the shortcut already exists, the system will not add this shortcut. A keyword is unique.
  • Update button to update the content of a shortcut
  • Delete button to delete a shortcut

Press Ctrl+ / to open the Main Windows when you need to quickly look up the shortcut key.

Press Ctrl+ . to open the Quick Command Bar when you need to run the command

Step 4: Using shortcut in any application

Type /keyword and hit Space to expand it. Click here to watch a video demo of TextSpeedy.

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